Just a few updates on Onyx Cross Media
'OnyxCross' is the name of my media from now on, but I personally will be known as 'AngryChad' from now on. So refer to it as: Chad Rick aka AngryChad from OnyxCrossMedia. Yeah, live with it. :P
I have youtube: http://www.youtube.com/users/onyxcross media
My series 'Cross' will have a major change. Voice actors will stay the same, but the name of the series will be different (currently under thought or i'm thinking of what should it be). Also the team in the series will consist of 4 characters, but I'm gonna need a musician who is grateful to make the series a theme. Song needs to be Indie or Rock, can be techno, only if I'm good with it. So anyway, the one who makes a good theme for the series, will get a cameo in the 1st episode.
What console is better? NES or SNES? I want to get one of 'em, but I can't decide which one. Help
There is a new episode on South Park Studios, go check. www.southparkstudios.com
Episode: 1301 The Ring.
Description: Kenny gets himself a girlfriend who is more poor than he, himself is (lol) and that girl gets him in trouble. How? Go find out why.
My Rating: 4.7
That's it.
Chad Rick signing out.
Keep it cool.
Here's a cool pic of one of my favorite games for the SNES. If you haven't played it, do it.
Damn, I remember that game! It was awesome! Even though I really hated the level with the clones (I think it was called "New Kids on the Block"), 'cause it was a really fucked-up thing to do in 2 player mode... XD
Yup, always good to meet someone who knows the game. HIGH FIVE :P